
Fernando Christo


Let's chat:

"I will always go further to reach ideas that use creativity to solve current problems, and generate business for me and the place where I'm working."

Hello! I'm Fernando Christo, no, I’m not related to Jesus. I’ve been working as a copywriter in advertising agencies for more than 20 years in different cities such as Curitiba, São Paulo, Lisbon, and Milan, for brands like HSBC, Kit Kat, Netflix, Microsoft, Google, Johnson & Johnson, Panasonic, BR Gas Stations, Shell Gas Station, Warner Bros, Mercado Livre, 3 Corações, OMO, CIF, Knorr, Movida, Rexona, Becel, Concha y Toro, Midea, Geru, Guaraná Antarctica, Electrolux, O Boticário, Amazon, Volkswagen, Livelo, Cerveza SOL, Lagunitas, Bradesco Seguros, Jhonnie Walker and many others.

More than that, I'm a social entrepreneur with some different creative social works that make me as proud as winning a Cannes lion. I'm also a collaborator at RedHook School of creativity because I believe that experiences must be shared with the next generations.

Professional Recognition:
Cannes Gold Lion - Media Category
Cannes Silver Lion - Pharma Category
Cannes Bronze Lion - Brand Experience Category
Cannes Bronze Lion - Direct
Cannes Bronze Lion - B2B
Cannes Short List - GLASS
Cannes Short List - Innovation
Cannes Short List - TITANIUM
Cannes Short List - Brand Experience Category
Cannes Short List - Outdoor Catergoy
Cannes Short List - Direct
Cannes Short List - B2b
Cannes Short List - Outdoor
Cannes Short Lisrt - Media
D&D Wood Pencil - Impact
D&D Shortlist - Creative Transformartion
One Show Silver Pencil - Intelectual Property/Physical Product
One Show Bronze Pencil - Out of Home for Good
One Show Merit - Health Wellness & Pharma
New York Festival First Prize Award -
Package & Product Design
New York Festival Finalist Certificate -
Direct & Collateral: Products & Services
New York Festival Finalist Certificate - Avant-Garde/Innovative
Clio Health Bronze - Design
Clio Health Bronze - Direct
Clio Health Short List - Events/Experimental
El Ojo Silver - Inovación Prototipe
Young Lions Brazil/2014 CW/DA
Indicated to Envy Chain
”Rede Globo Progissionais do Ano”Winner/2022 (Nacional)
"Rede Globo Profissionais do Ano” Winner/2013
”Melhor Comercial do Brasil - SBT" Winner/2022
Bronze in Non-Alchoolicol Drink at Club of Creativity Brazil
Bronze Star in Design at Club of Creativity Brazil
Bronze Star in Direct Marketing at Club of Creativity Brazil
Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at Club of Creativity Paraná
Works published at Club of Creativity Brazil
Works published at Archive 2012/2018
Work published at 2013
SXSW Participation 2019

Places I worked:
Senior Copywriter, AlmapBBDO - S.Paulo (currently)
Creative Director, B.Ferraz - S.Paulo
Senior Copywriter, F.Biz - S.Paulo
Creative Data, SOKO (FLAG) - S.Paulo
Senior Copywriter, R/GA - S.Paulo
Senior Copywriter, MullenLowe Brasil (IPG Group) - SPaulo
Senior Copywriter, The Nobullshit Agency (Dentsu Group) - SPaulo
Head, Mutato (WPP Group) - SPaulo
Copywriter, Mirum Agency (WPP Group) - Curitiba

Copywriter, JWT  (WPP Group) - Milan (work experience)
Copywriter, Agência Casa (WPP Group) - Curitiba
Copywriter, JWT (WPP Group) - Curitiba
Trainee, Leo Burnett (Publicis Group) - Lisbon
Trainee, Master Comunicação (WPP Group) - Curitiba

University Graduate:
Bachelor's degrees at PUC-PR - Comunicação Social

E-book Writer:
I've published my first e-book "Como não pensei nisso antes?” on Amazon.

ocial Creative Projects:

Cinemagine - Founder - 2014
Stories to inhale - Co-Founder - 2018

Collaborator teaching copywriting and creativity at RedHook School.